Pitching for work as a freelancer

Pitching for work as a freelancer

Pitching for projects is part and parcel of freelance life. Want to learn how to do it well? Look no further.

Every freelancer has to pitch for new projects at some point. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a writer, a designer, a developer, or a gardener, anyone who works with clients will sometimes have to cold-approach new ones. Putting yourself forward for work is a standard part of the freelance game but where do you start and how do you do it well?

Goose guides

Every freelancer has to pitch for new projects at some point. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a writer, a designer, a developer, or a gardener, anyone who works with clients will sometimes have to cold-approach new ones. Putting yourself forward for work is a standard part of the freelance game but where do you start and how do you do it well?

As we’ve mentioned in Freelancing 101, not all freelance projects will come through pitches. In fact, most are likely to come through your existing network—even if you feel like you don’t yet have much of one (Psst: you do!). But learning how to write a great pitch is an important part of the freelancer toolkit.

Read our full article here

There’s a lot to consider when you become a freelancer, but some research, forward-planning and smart structures will make your life much easier in the long run. We’re working on building up resources to help you manage every aspect of freelancing so keep an eye on this blog for more. Goose will launch soon but in the meantime, you can sign up to stay up-to-date with our progress, latest news, and our early bird offers.

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