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Your free, effective personal network for sourcing & sharing freelance jobs

Offical site & service

Launching in


Get notified when connected companies post a role, and either share or apply

Save on time & money while supporting yours and the wider network of freelancers

Connect with your personal & professional contacts, and the companies they've worked for

Get notified when connected companies post a role, and either share or apply

Save on time & money while supporting yours and the wider network of freelancers

Connect with your personal & professional contacts, and the companies they've worked for

How it works

Step 1

Tell us who you are, and who you've worked with

Register with your name and email. Enter your area of expertise, and any/all your previous and current clients

Step 2

You're automatically connected to your clients' network, meaning you'll be notified any time they post a new role

Send those clients a ping to confirm/verify your work relationship with them

Step 3

When your contacts join, you get access to their network of clients, too

Invite people in your network to join: freelancers, ex-colleagues, friends, family – anyone! If they aren't freelancers, these are your "freelancer allies"

Step 4

In a few short clicks, you have access to a wide network of potential roles

Share any open roles from your client connections with freelancers you know

Get started on finding and sharing jobs through the people you know and trust.

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